Classes at Cedar Creek
We have two Montessori classrooms at Cedar Creek. We are licensed for 40 children. The classes are mixed-age groups with children ranging from 2.9 to 5+. Each class has a balance of age and gender. The mixed-age group is part of the Montessori philosophy that enables the children to learn from one another, as well as from the teachers. It fosters socialization and respect in the group and helps develop empathy and compassion for others. The older children help the younger ones and a year later, those young ones are now in a position to help the new crop. The mixed-age class also fosters developing independence among the 4 and 5 year olds while allowing the teacher to initially attend to the newer, younger members of the group. As the school year progresses, the children learn to navigate their way through the day with ease and confidence.
Our Staff
In the morning, there are 2 teams of teachers per class—a lead teacher and an assistant. The lead teachers possess bachelor degrees as well as Montessori teacher certification. They each work with an assistant to ensure the smooth flow of the work period and beyond. At midday, as the morning teachers start to leave, a new staff of 4 come in to oversee the afternoons. As the morning shift ends and the afternoon one begins, the teachers exchange pertinent information to ensure cohesiveness. The afternoon shift consists of a Nature Studies lead teacher and an Art lead teacher. As in the morning, there are two assistants working alongside the lead teachers to ensure the smooth flow of the afternoon. In addition to the teaching staff, there is an on-site director and a dance and movement teacher. We also have a list of loyal substitute teachers that fit seamlessly into the day, should a regular teacher be sick or on vacation.
We are proud to say that most of the staff at Cedar Creek has been here over 10 years—a few, even more.